10 Reasons to Send Your Child to Sunday School
Posted by on Wednesday, August 20, 2014

- Age Targeted
Teaching: Where else can your kids get Biblical instruction that’s focused
toward their developmental abilities?
- Friends: In Sunday
School, your child will build positive friendships with their peers by
discovering God’s Word together.
- It’s Fun: Sunday
School is not Disneyland, but our teachers do work hard to teach the Bible in
ways that are relevant and fun for kids.
- Spiritual Mentors: A
dedicated teacher can be a Christian role model who supports you and helps
inspire the faith of your child.
- Systematic Bible
Learning: Our curriculum is designed to give a broad foundation, so
children will understand how all the parts of Scripture point to Christ. During the fall quarter, our children will hear the
wonderful accounts from Genesis including creation, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and
- Praying Teachers: Our
teachers consistently pray for your child’s faith to grow. Coming to Sunday
School gives another occasion for God to answer those requests. Psst, we need
another Sunday School teacher, too. If you’d like to help with grades 3 & 4 or grades 5 & 6 on a regular or
rotating basis, please contact Diana Pratt.
- Big Reward For a Small
Investment: If you’re already coming to church, just come a little
earlier. That one change will equal over 800 hours of additional Christian
teaching before your child graduates.
- Send the Right
Message: Making Sunday School a priority shows your kids that God’s Word
really does matter more than pillow-time.
- Adult
Fellowship: While the children enjoy their class, you can fellowship with
other adults in the Adult Bible Study in the multipurpose room.
- It Binds Us Together: Learning and worshiping together makes us a stronger church family.