Introducting MISSION U, a new witnessing training program

Posted by on Wednesday, August 20, 2014
One in four American teens and young adults claim no religious connection whatsoever. How will they hear the message of salvation through Jesus Christ if no one reaches them?

As a follower of Jesus, you have been commissioned to make disciples of all nations. Become equipped through MISSION U to help you fulfill your mission with boldness to the diverse mission field around you. You can gain a scripture-based understanding of how outreach works in a culture that doesn't care about God. 

There is a MISSION U workshop will be held at Camp CILCA in Cantrall, IL
 on Saturday, Sept. 6, beginning at 9 am. The topic  will be “Dealing with Tough Questions.” Cost is $25 which includes lunch. Sponsored by the CID Lutheran Laymen’s League. Register by Aug. 25 to Delores Blessman, 24202 ECR 1850N, Topeka, IL 61567 or

Can't make it this day, but still want to get involved with reaching the un-churched? Find out if the Evangelsm Team is for you by contatcing Mary Ellen Fricke at 217-497-7196 or

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