It Was a Great Salute to All Veterans

November 10, 2013

Our school, Danville Lutheran School, gave a tremedous salute to Veterans at their special program to a packed house last Thursday. Thanks to the many Immanuel members who attended. We encourage all members to participate in the great events sponsored by our school. Contact the DLS office to learn more about school sports, music, programs and enrollment: 442-5036.

Our congregation also offers our gratitude and recognition to all our Veterans for their service. May God bless you richly.


Newly Baptized

November 3, 2013

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was granted last week to Kyan, son of Marcus and Brittni. Through Holy Baptism, Kyan became a child of God, as his sins were washed way in connection with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. May God graciously preserve the saving faith granted unto Kyan thorough this sacred act of God's grace and cause his faith to increase through the continued blessings of His Word and Sacraments.

Please join us in praying for Kyan, his parents, his godparents Martez an...

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Monical's Day - Monday, Nov 11

November 1, 2013
Need a lunch out with the gang? Not in the mood to cook when you get home from work? Absolutely love putting french dressing on your pizza? 

Then make plans for Monical's Pizza on Monday November 11. Not only will you be getting tasty pizza, but 20% of every dine in bill will help fund the Parish Education projects, such as bible class and Rally Day. 

Download and  bring this flyer with you to any Danville or Titon Monicla's so we can get credit for each dinner. 
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Youth Ask for Household Donations for Lock-In

November 1, 2013

Sometimes we take simple things for granted, like a plate to eat on or a blanket to sleep with. It’s a lesson 13 of our Immanuel Lutheran Youth Group will learn more about as they attend the Central Illinois District Jr. High Lock-In on November 8-9 at the Shirk center of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington.

As part of the lock-in, they will be part of ONE GIANT COLLECTION to help underprivileged families. But they need your help. The Youth Group is asking you to please do a little d...

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Bundle Up the Next Couple of Sundays

October 25, 2013

Romans 12:15 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Well, for the next couple of weeks, we say, “Shiver with those who shiver!”

As we update our HVAC system, we may be without heat for a couple of Sundays. It may be nippy inside the church so be sure to dress in layers and maybe even bring a blanket if you want to.

Instead of focusing on our discomfort, let’s look at this as a blessing in disguise. It is a chance for us to grow in empathy and in God’s ...

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Volunteers Needed for the BAZAAR

October 19, 2013
Our Little Drummer Bazaar is November 12. It is very busy and exciting day for Immanuel, but we need your help to pull it off. Here some jobs we need help with.

Wait Staff... There is a wait staff (waiting on tables only) sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. No experience necessary. The wait staff will be needed from approximately 10:45 am to 1:30 pm on Nov. 12. If you have any questions, please call Jo Van Hoveln at 431-1426 after 5pm.

Sweet Shoppe... Sue DeMoss will be overseeing the Swee...

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Free Retirement & Estate Planning Workshop

October 19, 2013

Sunday October 27, 2:00pm
at Immanuel Lutheran Church

Planning for retirement and passing on your legacy is one of the most important financial decisions you can make – but it can also be one of the most daunting. With so many options to consider, it's hard to know if you're making the best choices. This free workshop from Thrivent Financial will help you get started.

Check out Thrivent's online estate and retirement tools.

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Youth Lock-In Nov 8-9

October 19, 2013

Our Central Illinois District Jr.High Lock-In will be Nov. 8–9 at the Shirk Center of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington. Cost is $25 and includes the band, comedian presenter Bob Lenz, and sports activities and fun… all night long!  Please sign up by Sunday Oct 20. Registration forms due Monday.

Everyone can be part of this.
Our Junior High Youth attending the CID-Lock-In will be part of ONE GIANT COLLECTION.Donate any of the following:
pots & pans, silverware, plates, drinking gl...

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Seeking Drummer Boy Bazzar Donations

October 8, 2013
Can you believe that it's almost time for the Drummer Boy Bazaar on November 12? We need to think ahead and collect plastic containers for people take their BBQ home. Help us out and bring to church:
  • cottage cheese containers (16/24 oz.)
  • Cool Whip containers (8/16 oz.)
  • and gallon ice cream containers.

Also, if you would like to donate bags of ruffle potato chips (Aldis is fine) or jars of Miracle Whip, it would help cut expenses. If you can help with any of these, please bring them to the multip...
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When There's a Neeed, Therer's a Prayer

July 18, 2013

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What's New at Immanuel