Vocal & Hand Bell Choir Starts Sept. 3

August 2, 2014
Calling one and all to sing and ring praises to our Lord! We're blessed to have both a vocal choir and a hand bell choir! They enhance our worship services throughout the year. But it takes people willing to be a part of these two choirs that make them work. So we invite you to join the choirs as they begin meeting again on Wednesday, Sept. 3. 

The Choir meets at 6:00 pm, with the Hand bells meeting at 7:00 pm in the balcony. No experience is needed to be a part of either one. Join us as we again raise our voices and ring our bells in praise to the Lord!

Seeking Volunteers!

August 2, 2014
We need help! Please consider and pray for these positions
  1. We are interested in people with a willingness to learn new tools for this position to assist our Board of Directors with recording reports, minutes and agendas in email and Google documents. If you have experience with Google Apps or are willing to learn, please apply! Training will be provided. You may email the church office at ilcd.churchsec@gmail.com or Dwain Dixson at ilcd.president@gmail.com
  2. We are still looking for anyone wh...

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Quilting Tea - September 20

August 2, 2014
QUILTING TEA... All women are cordially invited to “Quilts & Apple Crisp — a Fall Tea.” Join us for this relaxing fellowship at 2 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 20. The highlight will be the revealing of Immanuel’s bazaar quilt, “Serendipity Serenade.”

We will present a 
diverse assembly of quilts made by or belonging to Immanuel and Trinity members. Tickets for the light tea are $5. We will be selling them after church today and Aug. 31, with Sept. 7 being the final day. See you there!

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We Need Peanut Butter!

July 18, 2014
We are in need of peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti noodles, hamburger helper, and canned fruit, and donations to purchase perishable items. We would like to say thank you to all who donate to the food pantry and to Trinity for their food donations! We are grateful for each and every donation given to the pantry!

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Service Folder Sponsors Needed

July 18, 2014
We need sponsors for our Sunday service folders. A new sign-up sheet has been posted and there are LOTS of openings. It’s just $30 per Sunday. You can designate your  sponsorship to a special occasion (e.g. birthday,  anniversary, etc.) or in memory of a loved one. This is yet another way to give glory to God.

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Pantry Shower & Cookie Reception for New Teacher

July 18, 2014
We at Immanuel called Miss Kelly Dressler to be a teacher at DLS and now it’s time to officially welcome her to her new family in Christ. Kelly will be installed during church on August 10.

Following the service, we will have a cookie reception and will “shower” her with pantry items for her new home.
  • SHOWER: Gifts can be a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant in town (remember the scrip cards,) a can of the “best baked beans out there” or even a copy of a beloved family recipe...

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DLS Job Openings

July 14, 2014

We have new job openings for the 2014-15 year, Danville Lutheran School has the following part-time job openings: 
  1. teacher’s aide for our elementary grades; and 
  2. before and after school child care worker for our Trinity campus. 
Please contact our school office at 442-5036 for more information.

is also looking for anyone interested in coaching boys and girls athletic teams; please submit a letter of interest to Mr. Jerry Boyer, Athletic Director: ad.dls@comcast.net. You may also contact hi...

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Dart Ball - July 10

June 30, 2014
Our Men’s Club will host the next 2014 Summer FUN Night on Thursday July 10. Please join us for Dartball and other fun at 6:30 pm. 

Dartball is a game in which darts are thrown at a large wooden board that resembles a baseball field with colored areas which denote bases. Dartball uses baseball-like rules and scoring. 

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Voters' Meeting Update

June 30, 2014
Thank you to all of you who attended the Voter’s Meeting last week. We would like to graciously thank the members of the congregation who have completed their terms on the board. John Albers, Denny Hilton, Dean Hull, and Ken Kuhn, your service is greatly appreciated.

We plan to install our new Directors with a dedication of our entire Board of Directors on Sunday, July 13. We extend a warm welcome to:
  • Dwain Dixson as President; 
  • David Ammermann as Chair of Elders;
  • Mary Ellen Fricke as Director...

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Yard Sale for Playground Project - July 12

June 30, 2014
Yes, you want our DLS students to have a safe playground, but how do we raise the money needed for the equipment? Here's a new idea... a yard sale! 

Playground Partners will join in the giant Holiday Hills Yard Sale on Saturday, July 12. Here's how you can help make it success:
  • Donate items: Bring them to the parsonage any time before July 11. 
  • Attend the sale: Bring your wallet and hopefully you'll find something you can;t live without! 
  • Tell others: The more items donated and the more people wh...

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What's New at Immanuel