Cookies Needed for Veteran Outreach

April 21, 2014
When we talk about honoring the men and women who have sacrificed for our nation, we often envision large monuments. But saying thank you can be as easy as playing bingo and letting them know that God loves them. That's what our Men's Club is doing on May 7. They are hosting a bingo event at the VA hospital. 

The Men's Club needs your help in making this event something more special. They are requesting cookies to share with the vets.That's right, cookies!) Who knew outreach could taste so good?)

Why not use this as a opportunity to share God's Word:
  • Invite an unchurched friend to bake with you
  • Bake with your children and talk about the sacrifice made by veterans and Jesus
  • Invite someone from church you "kinda know" and get to know them better over batter
Interested? Please contact Ken Kuhn at 217-446-8440 if you can help. Thank you! 

We reached 100 Bibles... and Then Some!

April 21, 2014
MILITARY OUTREACH... Thank you for your partnership with Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) for “Strengthening Our Troops” Military Outreach. Since 2008, FCBH has provided more than 400,000 Military BibleSticks to our nation’s men & women in uniform free of charge. The small digital device contains a dramatized recording of the New Testament with 65 minutes of selected Psalms.

For a 
donation of $25 you can fund a Military Bible Stick for a soldier & a MP3 Audio Bible for his/her spouse & a K...

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Let's Send Bibles to Our Troops

March 10, 2014
We are pleased to partner once again with Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) in their “Strengthening Our Troops” Military Outreach. Since 2008, FCBH has provided more than 400,000 Military BibleSticks to our nation’s brave men and women in uniform – free of charge.

The small digital device contains a 
dramatized recording of the New Testament with 65 minutes of specially selected Psalms, and is distributed to troops through their chaplains. Since the program’s inception, over 1,400 chapla...

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DLS Openings

March 10, 2014
DLS Teachers Needed
Call committees have been formed; Immanuel to fill an opening for  an elementary teaching position; and Trinity to fill a middle school teaching position. Please pray for God to guide us as we call these teachers. 

DLS Part-Time Admissions Counselor / Development Director Needed
This individual will work with current Danville Lutheran School families, prospective new families, and would also be responsible for raising  additional funds for our school. A job description and li...

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Door Offering for Zora-Drews Scholarship - March 30

March 10, 2014
Both Immanuel and Trinity congregations hold a special door offering on the Fifth Sunday (whenever a month has five Sundays) for our DLS Zora-Drews Scholarship Fund. The next collection will be on Mar. 30.

fund ensures that families continue to benefit from an education offered in an inspirational, caring, Christian environment. You can help fulfill the mission of Immanuel! You can help families who are struggling financially to keep their children in Danville Lutheran School to excel. P...

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10 Reasons to Take CPR/AED Class on April 5

March 10, 2014
It was such a success earlier this year, that the Missions and Social Ministry is offering another CPR & AED training session on Apr. 5 from 9 to 1. The cost is $8.50 per person. There is a 10 person max per class, so please sign-up. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the hall.

Ten Reasons to take CPR or First-Aid training

1. After someone stops breathing, or the heart stops beating, he or she can survive for only 4 to 6 minutes before lack of oxygen results in brain damage or death....

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DLS "Race for Education” April 9

March 10, 2014
Coming soon: “Race for Education” at DLS on April 9! This is NOT just a school event. NO, this is a great event for our  Church to cooperate with Trinity and our DLS families in a fun and community-building event to support our school! Please save the date; pray for our school; plan to participate; and watch for more information next week!

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Calling All Quilters!

February 24, 2014
Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned pro, your stitches and companionship are welcome as a group of women complete a quilt for this year’s bazaar. Don’t let a lack of experience stop you from joining us. We will be quilting on Friday mornings at 8:30 in our Women’s Lounge. If this time doesn't fit your schedule, contact Sharon Crow about possible alternative plans. See you this Friday! 

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Church Rummage Sale - March 15

February 24, 2014

You don't have to wait for summer to clean out your closets and have garage sale! Join the Immanuel Rummage sale on march 15. For only $20.00, you'll get booth rental and the kind of crowds that come with family sales! (Plus, you won;t have to clean your garage!) To reserve your booth, call Jan Mann (443-4932), Pat Rull (390-6191) or our church office by Mar. 5. 

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Thrivent Choice Dollars Expire March 31

February 24, 2014
Thrivent Choice Dollars can help support organizations you care about, such as Immanuel Lutheran, DLS, or many  other organizations. Don’t let your Choice Dollars expire! Eligible members of Thrivent Financial have until Mar. 31 to direct any remaining 2013 Choice Dollars. Call 800-THRIVENT & say “Thrivent Choice” or visit the website:

Please contact Sue Heidle, Gail Garner or Dwain Dixson if you have any questions. 

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What's New at Immanuel