Taste of Deutschland - Feb22

January 26, 2014

Please mark your calendar for our Taste of Deutschland German  dinner on Feb. 22. We ask for volunteers to donate German chocolate cakes. A sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board. Tickets are available NOW! Your help and support of this important community event is truly appreciated!

10 Reasons to Take our CPR Class Jan. 25

January 21, 2014

Our Missions and Social Ministries is sponsoring a CPR and AED training session on Jan. 25 from 9 am to 1 pm. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. There is a $5 charge per person.

Ten Reasons to take CPR or First-Aid training

1. After someone stops breathing, or the heart stops beating, he or she can survive for only 4 to 6 minutes before lack of oxygen results in brain damage or death. CPR can buy extra time for your loved one, until professional help can arrive, by artificially cir...

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Help A Counter Out!

January 21, 2014
Would you be surprised to lean that our money counters are here up to two hours after church to count the contributions each Sunday? After all, they want to make sure all of donations are accurately accounted for. We can help them cut down their volunteer time though! 

It's easy. Simply write your contribution amount on the envelope and write you envelope number on the check. This saves time for our counters. Want to keep it confidential? Place your envelopes front side down in the collection....
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Communion Assistants Needed

January 21, 2014
ASSISTANTS NEEDED... If you would be interested in assisting with communion distribution, please come to our next training session on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 9 am (whether you are new; or, as a refresher); or you may speak with Pastor Heidle for more information.

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Support Rev. Joshua and Amanda Gale

January 8, 2014

Pastor Joshua Gale is moving to serve as a missionary pastor in Peru. Please support him during this endeavor as part of our LCMS mission and you can be a part of God’s great mission in Peru and beyond. Please click on the link below to see how you can support Pastor Gale and his family. Please pray for Joshua and Amanda as they serve the Lord in Peru. Ask God to give them and their children peace as they transition to life in Peru, learning the culture and the Spanish language so they may ...

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Gifford Relief Concert --> CANCELLED

January 5, 2014
Sorry, folks, the weather is just not cooperating with this event!  The concert is cancelled for Jan. 31.
Grace Lutheran Church, located at 313 South Prospect in Champaign will be hosting a benefit concert featuring Woody and Vonnie Wright, for Gifford tornado relief. The event, sponsored by the East-Central Illinois Group of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, will start at 7:00 pm on Friday, Jan. 31. There will be a free will offering and 100% of the proceeds will go to the Gifford Tornado Rel...

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Church Bowling Party Jan. 24

January 5, 2014

The Stewardship Committee will host a bowling night on Jan. 24 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Lincoln Lanes Bowling Alley in Danville.

There will be no charge for shoe rental, so the only cost will be for the games. If you have any questions, please contact Sue DeMoss. Join us for some fun and fellowship!

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Thanks Bob!

December 17, 2013
The congregation would like to thank Bob Wakeley for his many years of service as the leader of the Men’s Club and as the coordinator of the Taste of Deutschland. As he retires from these roles, Bob has left detailed instructions for the steps that need to take place to make these community events happen. If anyone is interested in volunteering for this position, please contact the church office.

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A Thank Your for Your Drummer Boy Bazaar Generosity

December 17, 2013
Our Women's Guild  would like to thank everyone who participated in the Drummer Boy Bazaar. All your hard work and generous shopping helped us raise a whopping $7,049.57. That money will be spent on a variety of outreach, mission and fellowship projects. Again, thank you! 

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Communion Training - Dec 14

December 4, 2013
ASSISTANTS NEEDED! If you would be interested in assisting with communion distribution, please come to our next training session on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 9 to 10 am (whether you are new; or, as a refresher); or you may speak with Pastor for more information. 

Check out other ways you can serve the Lord as part of the worship team

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What's New at Immanuel