Children's Christmas Party - Sat Dec 14

December 4, 2013

Our Parish Education Commission will be hosting their annual Children’s Christmas Party will be on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 1 to 3 pm at Immanuel. All children from preschool to grade 6 are invited. There will be games, crafts, and Christmas activities to help children focus on getting ready for the Christ Child.

Fill out the registration form and place it in the 
box on the children’s church bag table in the Narthx or put it in Diana Pratt’s church mailbox. We look forward to a joyous afternoon! 


Church Decorating - Saturday at 9AM

December 4, 2013

Your help is needed and will be 
appreciated on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 9 am as we decorate the chapel, sanctuary, narthex, and church entrances for our Advent and Christmas celebrations! Also, if you are able to climb a ladder to hang the garland along the side aisles, we could use your help. Christmas music, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and holiday treats will be available. Come join us! 

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Men’s Club Christmas Potluck - Dec 9

November 27, 2013
The Men’s Club Christmas Potluck will be Dec. 9 at 6 pm. All men, wives, friends, and widows are invited to join us for an evening of fellowship and Christmas music. Meat and drinks will be provided. Please sign up on the bulletin board for food and attendance by Dec. 8.

Don't know what yummy to bring? Check out our Pinterest board for Casseroles!

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A Prayer for Those Affected by Typhoon Haiyan

November 16, 2013

Father of mercy, God of all comfort, hear our prayers as we cry to You for all Your children who suffer after Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Remember those who have lost loved ones and give them the peace that You alone can give.

Remember those who are injured and hurting, those who are hungry and thirsty, those who wait for help and begin to despair; comfort them with Your presence, Your healing mercy.

Bless and speed the endeavors of all who would bring aid. Guide the government of the Ph...

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Typhoon Haiyan: Letter from Synod President

November 16, 2013
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. … If one member suffers, all suffer together …” (I Cor:12:12,26 ESV).

Typhoon Haiyan, which ravaged the Philippines Nov. 8 killing thousands, is one of the strongest storms in recorded history. It is an unbelievable crisis for the people there. In response to a request from our partner church, the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP), the LCMS is prov...

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Church Photos & Food Bank Donations... Together?

November 16, 2013
Our new Immanuel Church Pictorial Directory Project is moving along quickly! Photographers will be in our gym Nov.19 through Nov. 23 to take pictures of each family. So plan now to take part—our directory simply will not be complete without you! Click to schedule your setting.

Also, if you can help with our new Immanuel Picture Directory, (layout, group shots, etc.) contact the church office; or Bruce Huff at 304-5296.

Feed the Need!
You can support our food pantry when you participate in our ...

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Construction Update

November 16, 2013
Both heating units for the sanctuary are now operational (but are not yet programmed to their full ability as far as scheduling); the remaining units are scheduled to be complete by Wednesday, Nov. 27. The contractor is making great progress! For your safety, please heed the special notices for our construction project! Please do not come in the church hallway during the week! Thanks for your cooperation!

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Let's Fill Grocery Bags with Thanksgiving Donations

November 16, 2013

The DLS children have been busy decorating grocery bags for our Thanksgiving food offering Sunday, Nov. 24. Please bring food items to the church service to fill up these special offering bags. The bags will be placed at the end of each pew. Some suggestions for items we are in need of are:

  • tuna and tuna helper
  • hamburger helper
  • macaroni and cheese
  • peanut butter
  • jelly

These food items are served to low-income families, low-income seniors, and homeless veterans. Thank you for all you do for ...

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Thanksgiving Potluck - Nov 24

November 10, 2013

Thanksgiving Potluck & Stuffing Contest
Sunday, Nov 24 at 5:30 pm

DLS School Gymnasium

Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family… with our church family, too. That’s why we’d like to bring back the Immanuel Thanksgiving Potluck on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. At 5:30 pm, show up at the gym with a side dish and/or dessert and be ready to gobble, gobble, gobble!

The turkey will be provided.

Speaking of turkey, we’re looking for some. Please consider donating a turkey or money to buy...

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Annual Thrivent Meeting - Nov 17

November 10, 2013
The Annual Thrivent Meeting is Sunday November 17 at 12:30 om in the gym at Immanuel. A lunch will be catered by Applewood Farms. The menu will include smoked chicken, swiss steak, cheesy potatoes, corn and green bean casserole. There is a sign up sheet on the Thrivent bulletin board in the hallway. As usual, there will be many prizes and fellow ship!

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What's New at Immanuel