Posted by on Wednesday, February 11, 2015,
If your group would like to host a soup supper, please call the church office to sign-up. Soup suppers will be served Feb.18 – Mar.25 at 5:30 to help foster fellowship and to make it convenient for us all to come to our Lenten services.
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Posted by on Wednesday, February 11, 2015,
This is your opportunity to be a missionary short term. Our LCMS Board of Missions is seeking volunteers who will go to Poland for one week (July – August) to lead English Bible Camp. More info on the hallway table for those interested.

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Share Your Favorite Recipie
Posted by on Monday, December 29, 2014,
Danville Lutheran School, along with Immanuel and Trinity churches, are putting together a tasty cookbook. Please
submit your favorite recipes (whether main dish, specialty salad, appetizer, dessert, etc.) either on a recipe card {from the hall table} or a photocopy of your recipe. We have received some great recipes; please keep sending in your favorites.
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Posted by on Monday, December 29, 2014,
It is certainly not too late to give a special Christmas gift to our congregation this year! We want to pay down our mortgage! Please visit our beautiful tree in the Narthex entryway and take an ornament from our tree to yours! Pick an ornament with a tag that has an amount you could give to help us pay down the mortgage and keep the ornament as a reminder of your gift to our congregation.
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Still Time to Get Your Yankee Candle
Posted by on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
Great news! Danville Lutheran School has made$1327.00 from their Yankee Candle fundraiser! If you didn’t get a chance to
order, you still can!
There is still time for you to order a candle for yourself or someone else. (They make great gifts!) Order now thru Dec. 31 at Enter group number 990070451. DLS will still receive a percentage of the purchase.
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Nominate Someone for District Office
Posted by on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
DISTRICT & CIRCUIT CONVENTION BUSINESS... We have forms in the church office from the Central Illinois District Nominations Committee. All members of the congregation have the opportunity to nominate individuals to serve in the
various district offices.
Please stop by the office to pick up a copy if you are interested in nominating someone for a district office. We also need a delegate and alternate to represent our congregation at upcoming Circuit Forum and District Convention. Thank you.
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Free Books & Videos to Help Christmas Focus
Posted by on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
Christ lay
in a manger. No decorations. Simple food. Yet that was the best Christmas some shepherds ever had! We too can focus on the One who came. Perfection is there -- not in anything we do. - Ideas for celebrating simply and well can be found in Unplug the Christmas Machine: a complete guide to putting love and joy back in the season, by Robinson and Staeheli, and Celebrate Simply: your guide to simpler, more meaningful holidays and special occasions, by Twigg.
- If grief haunts the season, c...
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Two Giving Trees This year!
Posted by on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
Our Hat & Mitten Giving Tree is nothing new at Immanuel. Please joy us in decorating it with warm hats, gloves and scarves for children how could use an extra layer of warmth this winter.
This year, we've added a new giving tree... this one to help our own church family. What we want for Christmas is to pay down our mortgage! Please visit our beautiful tree in the Narthex entryway and take an ornament from our tree to yours! Pick an ornament with a tag that has an amount you could give to hel...
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Caroling Party - Dec. 21
Posted by on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
Christmas Caroling party on Sunday, Dec. 21. We’ll meet at 3:00 pm at the church, and then visit the homebound with songs of cheer. We’ll plan to return to church by 5:30 to enjoy some soup. Look for a sign-up sheet on the chapel hall bulletin board.
Need a little inspiration to raise your voice in song? Check out Pastor's message for December!
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Cookies for Home Bound - Need by Dec. 17
Posted by on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
Remember our home bound and members with health concerns this season with a gift of Christmas cookies. Please sign up on the hall bulletin board to bake cookies and/or deliver them. Bring cookies to the Multipurpose Room Dec. 16 or 17.
For more info, contact Diana Pratt or Janet Terry. Continue reading ...
Parsonage Cookie Party - Dec. 14
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
In lieu of
sending greeting cards, we invite the congregation to come to the Parsonage any time between 1 and 4 pm on Sunday, Dec. 14 to enjoy some home-made cookies and hospitality. We truly hope each of you will be able to stop by! Merry Christmas!
The Heidles
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Kids Christmas Party - Dec. 13
Posted by on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
annual Children’s Christmas Party, sponsored by Parish Education, will be this Saturday, Dec. 13 from 1 to 3 pm for Pre-school to 6th grade. We hope that your children and their friends will come and enjoy crafts and activities centered on the Nativity of Jesus. Registration forms are available. Volunteers appreciated!
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DLS Christmas Program - Dec. 16
Posted by on Thursday, December 11, 2014,
- Please come to the Christmas Program for our Kindergarten to 8th grade Dec. 16 at 6:30 pm.
- Plus, our Danville Lutheran School Preschool Christmas Program on Dec. 18 at 6:30 pm.
Please don’t miss these inspirational programs by our adorable DLS children! Continue reading ...
Posted by on Friday, November 7, 2014,
As a congregation we will host a cookie reception on Nov. 16 to honor Lisa Mull for completing 25 years in the teaching ministry. Please join us after the service to congratulate Lisa. Volunteers are needed to bake cookies and serve. There is a cookie sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please contact Mary Powell at 516-8067.
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Posted by on Friday, November 7, 2014,
The scrip cards that are ordered the second [this is a change]Monday of each month can be used as Christmas presents. These cards are basically gift cards that can be used at a particular merchant any time; there is no expiration date or fees attached to these cards. They come in various denominations from $5 to $250, and the church gets a percentage of the profits (from 1.5% to 14% depending on the merchant).
There are order blanks on the card table in the chapel hallway. Most of the merchan...
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Thanksgiving Potluck on Sunday, Nov. 23
Posted by on Friday, November 7, 2014,
Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family… with our church family, too. That’s why we’re once again having our Immanuel Thanksgiving Potluck on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. At 5:00 pm, show up at the gym with a side dish and/or dessert and be ready to gobble, gobble, gobble! The turkey will be provided.
Speaking of turkey, we’re looking for some. Please consider donating a turkey or money to buy one. Want to give your culinary skills a whirl or make a practice turkey before the bi...
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Thanksgiving Food Offering on Nov. 23
Posted by on Friday, November 7, 2014,
On Sunday, Nov. 23, the food pantry is inviting all members to share their blessings in a food offering. Grocery bags decorated by the Danville Lutheran School children will be placed at the end of each pew. Simply bring canned goods to the service and place them in the bags for our food pantry in thanksgiving to God for the bountiful harvest and the blessings that we so richly receive. The bags of food will be brought to the altar during the service.
For Thanksgiving Sunday and Thanksgiving ... Continue reading ...
Drummer Boy Luncheon Seeks Help
Posted by on Monday, October 6, 2014,
Drummer Boy Luncheon plans are in the
works and we ask for your help to make it a success! - The Women’s Guild needs a volunteer to head up the committee for ticket sales. Please see Marilyn Le Pere for details.
- Signup sheets for wait staff and/or kitchen staff are posted on the bulletin board.
- We need to start collecting plastic cottage cheese, cool whip, and gallon ice cream containers. These can be bagged and placed on the counter in the Multipurpose Room. Thanks!
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DLS T-Shirts for Sale
Posted by on Monday, October 6, 2014,
Our school wants you to show your Warrior pride! They
are selling their school spirit shirts at a great price. Please take a look at the order form on the table in the hallway for details.

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Thrivent Wine Tasting - Oct. 11
Posted by on Monday, October 6, 2014,
educational evening of wine Oct. 11. This is an opportunity to learn the basics of wine tasting by sampling several varieties to understand the range of flavors and aromas of different wine styles. The cost is $10 — seats limited to 15. Location: 22218 North 1750 E. Rd. (Burr Oak Rd), Danville. Call our church office (217) 442-5675 to reserve your seat!
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DLS Job Opening
Posted by on Sunday, September 21, 2014,
We need an individual from 3:30–4:40 pm Monday–Friday to assist in our aftercare program at our South (Immanuel) Campus. The job consists of supervising 3 and 4 year olds plus a few middle school students. If you or someone you know would like to work just a few hours per week & enjoys working with children, call our school: 442-5036.
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Playground Yard Sale & Bake Sale Oct 11
Posted by on Sunday, September 21, 2014,
We are still fundraising to pay for our new Playground Project! Mark your calendar for Saturday, Oct. 11 from 8 am to noon. We can use your used “treasures” and your fine baked treats to help us with this big day for the Playground Project. And be sure to encourage your friends and neighbors to come to the big sale Oct. 11.
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"Yes We Can" Food Drive Sept 28
Posted by on Sunday, September 21, 2014,
On Sept. 28, we want to do all we CAN do to help feed the hungry by
having a canned food drive. We are out of canned veggies, fruits, and
soups. Through your support of this mission, we share the love of Christ
to the people in our community. Here's our wish list:
- Heat and serve meals such as soups & ravioli
- Tuna and canned meat
- Canned fruit packed in juice
- Canned vegetables (low salt)
- Canned foods with pop-top lids
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DLS-Member Scholarship Award Info Needed
Posted by on Wednesday, September 3, 2014,
members of Immanuel Lutheran Church who have enrolled your children in Danville Lutheran School, we look forward to another year of partnership and cooperation in the education process and also the partnership for the financial support of our school. Part of that partnership is the tuition discount offered to church members.
Please complete your “Church Scholarship Award” form and turn it in as soon as possible so that your August attendance can be credited in the month of September! ... Continue reading ...
There's an App for That!
Posted by on Wednesday, September 3, 2014,
These days, there’s a smartphone app for just about everything. But what about spiritual concerns? Where can you turn?
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Peoria Marriage Encounter Weekend - Oct 3-5
Posted by on Wednesday, September 3, 2014,
marriage just like new on a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend! The next weekend is scheduled in Peoria, IL on Oct. 3-5, 2014. Apply now at or contact Deb and Norm Lopez at or 815-796-2248 for more information. Preregistration is required – don’t miss out! The registration deadline is Sept. 4. Continue reading ...
Board Still Searching for Secretary
Posted by on Wednesday, September 3, 2014,
SEARCHING FOR A SECRETARY... We are interested in people with a willingness to learn new tools for this position to assist our Board of Directors with recording reports, minutes and agendas in email and Google documents. If you have experience with Google Apps, please apply!
If you are willing to learn, please apply! Training will be provided. You may email the church office at or Dwain Dixson at ALSO... We are sti... Continue reading ...
DLS Needs Supplies... And Your Help!
Posted by on Wednesday, September 3, 2014,
School has started, but Danville Lutheran School still needs
supplies. If you would like to contribute, choose a donation slip from the display board in our hallway, purchase the item, and return it with the slip attached. Or, for the big ticket items (interactive white board for music room, $3,000) put money in the envelope so we can purchase the right item that works with our network. Thank you for your support!

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Walk for Life Fundraiser - Saturday September 27
Posted by on Wednesday, September 3, 2014,
on Sat., Sept. 27 at Lincoln Park. We encourage you to be a part of this ministry that has been Creating a Culture of Life...One Child at a Time! Registration starts at 8 am and the Walk is at 9 am. The goal is to raise $75,000...which will provide FREE life-affirming and Christ-centered services; including pregnancy tests, ultrasound, mentoring, & material support. Walk So Others Get the Chance to Live! For more info, contact the Women’s Care Clinic at...
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Annual Men’s Fish Fry - Monday Sept. 15
Posted by on Wednesday, September 3, 2014,
Ever "nibbled" the idea of coming to a Men's Club meeting? Then the Annual Men’s Fish Fry is the event to "cast your line" into! It is a fun, casual event where you get to know fellow church members, celebrate their groups successes from the last year, and "catch" an idea of what they have planned to "tackle" in the future.
The fish fry will be
held on the evening of Monday, Sept. 15 at Scott Huckstadt’s home. Please call Ken Kuhn at 446-8440 if you have any questions, driving direction, t...
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Stroke Support Group - Noon, Sept 13
Posted by on Wednesday, September 3, 2014,
If you've had a
stroke, or care for someone who has, you are invited to attend a potluck luncheon with the Illiana Stroke Survivors and Caregivers Association, Saturday Sept. 13 at noon in the Multipurpose Room at Immanuel Lutheran

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Spead the Love Food Drive - Sept 7
Posted by on Friday, August 22, 2014,

Love and peanut butter & jelly could be good candidates for the ultimate soul food combination – certainly they are both nourishing. On Sunday, September 7, the Immanuel Lutheran Food Pantry is hosting the SPREAD THE LOVE FOOD DRIVE with a focus on collecting peanut butter and jelly, food staples that are high in demand with the hungry families in our community. A collection box will be in our Narthex, so bring a jar (or 2!) of PB&J!
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Childerns Sunday School Starts Sept. 7
Posted by on Friday, August 22, 2014,
SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for children from age 3 to high school will begin Sept. 7. Please pray for a faithful year of attendance and learning God’s Word. During the fall quarter, children will be hearing the wonderful accounts from Genesis including creation, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
NOTE: A Sunday School teacher is needed for either grades 3 & 4 or grades 5 & 6 on a regular or rotating basis. Prayerfully consider working with Jesus’ little lambs!
Contact Diana Pratt for more inform...
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Online Groceries Make for a Yummy DLS Fundraiser
Posted by on Friday, August 22, 2014,
Help support our Danville Lutheran School by purchasing
groceries through our Market Day fundraiser. With your online purchase of $50 in September, you’ll receive a free mixing bowl set and enter the Digital Dozen Contest. 12 electronic prizes will be given away in 12 weeks.
Simply place an order online at by Sep. 9 and pick up your order on Sep.13 from 11-11:30 at the Trinity campus cafeteria. If you have questions, call Hallie at 217-369-8390.
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New Women's Bible Study Starts Sept 9
Posted by on Wednesday, August 20, 2014,

Join a new Women's Bible Study session on Tuesday, Sept. 9 at 9:30 am in the Multipurpose Room. This friendly small group will study the Old Testament prophets Nehemiah and Ezra.
If you would like to order a study book, please call Carol Johnston at 446-4523 no later than Aug. 19. The cost is $8.25 and will be collected on Sept. 9. The books will be put in your church mailbox by the end of August. See you soon!
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Vocal & Bell Choir Start Sept 3
Posted by on Wednesday, August 20, 2014,

We're blessed to have both a vocal choir and a hand bell choir! But it takes people willing to be a part of these
two choirs that make them work. So we invite you to join the choirs as they begin meeting again on Wednesday, Sept. 3.
- The Choir meets at 6:00 pm, with the
- Hand bells at 7:00 pm in the balcony.
No experience is needed to be a part of either one. Please join us and make music to the Lord!
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Introducting MISSION U, a new witnessing training program
Posted by on Wednesday, August 20, 2014,
One in four American teens and young adults claim no religious connection whatsoever. How will they hear the message of salvation through Jesus Christ if no one reaches them?
As a follower of Jesus, you have been commissioned to make disciples of all nations. Become equipped through MISSION U to help you fulfill your mission with boldness to the diverse mission field around you. You can gain a scripture-based understanding of how outreach works in a culture that doesn't care about God.
There ... Continue reading ...
10 Reasons to Send Your Child to Sunday School
Posted by on Wednesday, August 20, 2014,
- Age Targeted
Teaching: Where else can your kids get Biblical instruction that’s focused
toward their developmental abilities?
- Friends: In Sunday
School, your child will build positive friendships with their peers by
discovering God’s Word together.
- It’s Fun: Sunday
School is not Disneyland, but our teachers do work hard to teach the Bible in
ways that are relevant and fun for kids.
- Spiritual Mentors: A
dedicated teacher can be a Christian role model who supports you and helps
inspire the f...
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Introducing A New Ministry for College Students
Posted by on Saturday, August 2, 2014,
College is time to discover new things. Unfortunately, it can also be a time to slip away from faith. To show our love and support for our college members who are away from home and church, we are creating a new program called Keep Christ on Campus.
It’s a simple idea. We will send care packages and notes to our students throughout the school year. They will include treats, trinkets and reminders that God’s love is unwavering - no matter what college throws at them. To kick off the progra...
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Hog Roast Raised Nearly $8000!
Posted by on Saturday, August 2, 2014,
On behalf of the Capital Fund Drive Committee of Immanuel, we say thank you to everyone who volunteered, purchased tickets, baked desserts, donated items and worked on any part of the event; a heartfelt thank you! Thanks be to God for such full and bountiful gifts!
RESULTS: The profit from the Hog Roast so far is just under $8,000. This includes the matching donation and $264 from the cake walk and $111 from the dunk tank. THANK YOU to all who helped!
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Vocal & Hand Bell Choir Starts Sept. 3
Posted by on Saturday, August 2, 2014,
Calling one and all to sing and ring praises to our Lord! We're blessed to have both a vocal choir and a hand bell choir! They enhance our worship services throughout the year. But it takes people willing to be a part of these two choirs that make them work. So we invite you to join the choirs as they begin meeting again on Wednesday, Sept. 3.
The Choir meets at 6:00 pm, with the Hand bells meeting at 7:00 pm in the balcony. No experience is needed to be a part of either one. Join us as we ag...
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Seeking Volunteers!
Posted by on Saturday, August 2, 2014,
We need help! Please consider and pray for these positions
: - We are interested in people with a willingness to learn new tools for this position to assist our Board of Directors with recording reports, minutes and agendas in email and Google documents. If you have experience with Google Apps or are willing to learn, please apply! Training will be provided. You may email the church office at or Dwain Dixson at
- We are still looking for anyone wh...
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Quilting Tea - September 20
Posted by on Saturday, August 2, 2014,
QUILTING TEA... All women are cordially invited to “Quilts & Apple Crisp — a Fall Tea.” Join us for this relaxing fellowship at 2 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 20. The highlight will be the revealing of Immanuel’s bazaar quilt, “Serendipity Serenade.”
We will present a diverse assembly of quilts made by or belonging to Immanuel and Trinity members. Tickets for the light tea are $5. We will be selling them after church today and Aug. 31, with Sept. 7 being the final day. See you there!
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We Need Peanut Butter!
Posted by on Friday, July 18, 2014,
We are in need of peanut butter
and jelly, spaghetti noodles, hamburger helper, and canned fruit, and donations to purchase perishable items. We would like to say thank you to all who donate to the food pantry and to Trinity for their food donations! We are grateful for each and every donation given to the pantry!
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Service Folder Sponsors Needed
Posted by on Friday, July 18, 2014,
We need sponsors for
our Sunday service folders. A new sign-up sheet has been posted and there are LOTS of openings. It’s just $30 per Sunday. You can designate your sponsorship to a special occasion (e.g. birthday, anniversary, etc.) or in memory of a loved one. This is yet another way to give glory to God.
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Pantry Shower & Cookie Reception for New Teacher
Posted by on Friday, July 18, 2014,
We at Immanuel called Miss Kelly Dressler to be a teacher at DLS and now it’s time to officially welcome her to her new family in Christ. Kelly will be installed during church on August 10.
Following the service, we will have a cookie reception and will “shower” her with pantry items for her new home.
- SHOWER: Gifts can be a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant in town (remember the scrip cards,) a can of the “best baked beans out there” or even a copy of a beloved family recipe...
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DLS Job Openings
Posted by on Monday, July 14, 2014,

We have new job openings for the 2014-15 year, Danville Lutheran School has the following part-time job openings:
- teacher’s aide for our elementary grades; and
- before and after school child care worker for our Trinity campus.
Please contact our school office at 442-5036 for more information.
DLS is also looking for anyone interested in coaching boys and girls athletic teams; please submit a letter of interest to Mr. Jerry Boyer, Athletic Director: You may also contact hi... Continue reading ...
Dart Ball - July 10
Posted by on Monday, June 30, 2014,
Our Men’s Club will host the next
2014 Summer FUN Night on Thursday July 10. Please join us for Dartball and other fun at 6:30 pm. Dartball is a game in which darts are thrown at a large wooden board that resembles a baseball field with colored areas which denote bases. Dartball uses baseball-like
rules and scoring.
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Voters' Meeting Update
Posted by on Monday, June 30, 2014,
Thank you to all of you who
attended the Voter’s Meeting last week. We would like to graciously thank the members of the congregation who have completed their terms on the board. John Albers, Denny Hilton, Dean Hull, and Ken Kuhn, your service is greatly appreciated.
We plan to install our new Directors with a dedication of our entire Board of Directors on Sunday, July 13. We extend a warm welcome to:
- Dwain Dixson as President;
- David Ammermann as Chair of Elders;
- Mary Ellen Fricke as Director...
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Yard Sale for Playground Project - July 12
Posted by on Monday, June 30, 2014,
Yes, you want our DLS students to have a safe playground, but how do we raise the money needed for the equipment? Here's a new idea... a yard sale!
Playground Partners will join in the giant Holiday
Hills Yard Sale on Saturday, July 12. Here's how you can help make it success:- Donate items: Bring them to the parsonage any time before July 11.
- Attend the sale: Bring your wallet and hopefully you'll find something you can;t live without!
- Tell others: The more items donated and the more people wh...
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Get Your Immanuel Collectible
Posted by on Monday, June 30, 2014,
A limited quantity of our congregation’s 100th anniversary commemoratives - a coin and a wood image of Immanuel - will be available for ‘donation’ to those interested on July 13 with proceeds going to our Capital Fund.
You can see a sample display of these commemoratives on the Capital Fund table in the hallway near the mailboxes. Celebrate Immanuel; give generously!
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We Need Your Help with the Hog Roast
Posted by on Monday, June 30, 2014,
Our second annual
Hog Roast will be July 19. The proceeds will go towards:
- a chair lift for the choir loft,
- the preschool playground, and
- an automated external defibrillator unit for the church.
But to pull it off, we need LOTS of volunteers. We need YOU! Here's how you can help:- Please look at the sign-up sheets in the hallway.
- We are looking for gift baskets and items for the silent auction.
- We also need cakes in foil pans (non-returnable) for the cake walk.
- Don't forget, we need pre-selling ti...
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Voters' Meeting June 22
Posted by on Tuesday, June 3, 2014,
Our next
congregational Voters’ Assembly meeting will be after the Divine Service on Sunday, June 22 to:
- elect congregational officers,
- approve the budget, and
- conduct any other congregational business.
Your participation is important! Please come!
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You Should be on the Church Board!
Posted by on Tuesday, June 3, 2014,
for anyone who would be interested in sharing their talents and skills by serving on one of our commissions. The nominating committee is putting together a list of nominees to serve on the Board of Directors; elections will be at our June 22 Voters meeting. If you or someone you know may be interested, please call Judy Sacotnik at 497-4784.
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New - 2nd Sunday Choir
Posted by on Sunday, May 4, 2014,
Come Join the 2nd Sunday Choir. Do you like to sing in the choir, but don’t have time to commit to weekly practices? Then we have a solution for you!
Starting June 8, we will begin a “Second Sunday Choir,” a choir that will practice and sing on the second Sunday of the month. We’ll meet at 8:30 am in the balcony, have a brief devotion, and practice a song that we will sing in the service that morning. The songs could be unison or 2-part sheet music, or even a hymn out of the hymnal. T...
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Lutheran Witness Magazine
Posted by on Monday, April 21, 2014,
The Lutheran Witness is the flagship
magazine of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, The Lutheran Witness is
a monthly publication (11 issues per year) that offers synodical news,
features, columns, Q&A's, and more..
To subscribe to this inspirational
journal use the envelope in your offering box.
The cost is $15.60 per year. Please subscribe by Monday, Apr. 28. We encourage everyone to join!
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Marriage Seminar in Normal, IL
Posted by on Monday, April 21, 2014,
Saturday, Sept. 12
from 9 am to 3 pm at Christ Lutheran in Normal, IL. Rev. Dr. Michael Eschelbach will help you better understand the biblical model for marriage. The cost is $40/couple or $25/person. Register by mailing your payment with a registration form to Christ Lutheran Church, or online: Continue reading ...
Extra $20 for Thrivent Members
Posted by on Monday, April 21, 2014,
Thrivent members, select our
congregation the first time you direct Choice Dollars® between April 1 and May 31, 2014, and our church will receive an extra $20 from Thrivent through the “Direct Now … and add $20!” campaign. - The additional $20 grant will be distributed on or before June 30, 2014, as a one-time payment to the organization.
- Only one additional $20 grant per participating member will be distributed.
- If you directed Choice Dollars since April 1, the first organization you sele...
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Outreach through yarn?
Posted by on Monday, April 21, 2014,
Care and the love of knitting (and crochet) have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to
those in need of comfort and solace. The knitter begins each shawl with prayers for the recipient. Intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl.
To continue this outreach, the Prayer Shaw Ministry is in need of Red Heart super saver yarn in light colors. If you would like to donate, please give it to Kay Ohl, Charlotte Schendel, or the church office. Thanks!
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Pastor Fienen Continues to Spread His Word!
Posted by on Monday, April 21, 2014,
Pastor Fienen has accepted the Call to Grace Lutheran Church, Baldwin, MI. They will be moving on May 5, and their last attendance here will be on Easter Sunday.
You can address mail to:
Pastor Fienen & Family
c/o Grace Lutheran Church
8636 S. M-37
Baldwin, MI 49304
You can reach them by phone at 231-745-7524 or 231-338- 3021. Please pray for them during their transition. Good luck and God Bless.
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Cookies Needed for Veteran Outreach
Posted by on Monday, April 21, 2014,
When we talk about honoring the men and women who have sacrificed for our nation, we often envision large monuments. But saying thank you can be as easy as playing bingo and letting them know that God loves them. That's what our Men's Club is doing on May 7. They are hosting a bingo event at the VA hospital.
The Men's Club needs your help in making this event something more special. They are requesting cookies to share with the vets.That's right, cookies!) Who knew outreach could taste so goo...
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We reached 100 Bibles... and Then Some!
Posted by on Monday, April 21, 2014,
MILITARY OUTREACH... Thank you for your
partnership with Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) for “Strengthening Our Troops” Military Outreach. Since 2008, FCBH has provided more than 400,000 Military BibleSticks to our nation’s men & women in uniform free of charge. The small digital device contains a dramatized recording of the New Testament with 65 minutes of selected Psalms.
For a donation of $25 you can fund a Military Bible Stick for a soldier & a MP3 Audio Bible for his/her spouse & a K... Continue reading ...
Let's Send Bibles to Our Troops
Posted by on Monday, March 10, 2014,
We are pleased to
partner once again with Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) in their “Strengthening Our Troops” Military Outreach. Since 2008, FCBH has provided more than 400,000 Military BibleSticks to our nation’s brave men and women in uniform – free of charge.
The small digital device contains a dramatized recording of the New Testament with 65 minutes of specially selected Psalms, and is distributed to troops through their chaplains. Since the program’s inception, over 1,400 chapla... Continue reading ...
DLS Openings
Posted by on Monday, March 10, 2014,
DLS Teachers Needed
Call committees
have been formed; Immanuel to fill an opening for an elementary teaching position; and Trinity to fill a middle school teaching position. Please pray for God to guide us as we call these teachers.
DLS Part-Time Admissions Counselor / Development Director Needed
This individual
will work with current Danville Lutheran School families, prospective new families, and would also be responsible for raising additional funds for our school. A job description and li... Continue reading ...
Door Offering for Zora-Drews Scholarship - March 30
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Monday, March 10, 2014,
Both Immanuel and Trinity
congregations hold a special door offering on the Fifth Sunday (whenever a month has five Sundays) for our DLS Zora-Drews Scholarship Fund. The next collection will be on Mar. 30.
This fund ensures that families continue to benefit from an education offered in an inspirational, caring, Christian environment. You can help fulfill the mission of Immanuel! You can help families who are struggling financially to keep their children in Danville Lutheran School to excel. P... Continue reading ...
10 Reasons to Take CPR/AED Class on April 5
Posted by on Monday, March 10, 2014,
It was such a success earlier this year, that the Missions and Social Ministry is
offering another CPR & AED training session on Apr. 5 from 9 to 1. The cost is $8.50 per person. There is a 10 person max per class, so please sign-up. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the hall.
Ten Reasons to take CPR or First-Aid training |
1. After someone stops breathing, or the heart stops beating, he or she can survive for only 4 to 6 minutes before lack of oxygen results in brain damage or death.... |
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DLS "Race for Education” April 9
Posted by on Monday, March 10, 2014,
Coming soon: “Race for
Education” at DLS on April 9! This is NOT just a school event. NO, this is a great event for our Church to cooperate with Trinity and our DLS families in a fun and community-building event to support our school! Please save the date; pray for our school; plan to participate; and watch for more information next week! Continue reading ...
Calling All Quilters!
Posted by on Monday, February 24, 2014,
Whether you are a
newbie or a seasoned pro, your stitches and companionship are welcome as a group of women complete a quilt for this year’s bazaar. Don’t let a lack of experience stop you from joining us. We will be quilting on Friday mornings at 8:30 in our Women’s Lounge. If this time doesn't
fit your schedule, contact Sharon Crow about possible alternative plans. See you this Friday!
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Church Rummage Sale - March 15
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Monday, February 24, 2014,

You don't have to wait for summer to clean out your closets and have garage sale! Join the Immanuel Rummage sale on march 15. For only $20.00, you'll get booth rental and the kind of crowds that come with family sales! (Plus, you won;t have to clean your garage!) To reserve your booth, call Jan Mann (443-4932), Pat Rull (390-6191) or our church office by Mar. 5. Continue reading ...
Thrivent Choice Dollars Expire March 31
Posted by on Monday, February 24, 2014,
In :
Thrivent Choice
Dollars can help support organizations you care about, such as Immanuel Lutheran, DLS, or many other organizations. Don’t let your Choice Dollars expire! Eligible members of Thrivent Financial have until Mar. 31 to direct any remaining 2013 Choice Dollars. Call 800-THRIVENT & say “Thrivent Choice” or visit the website:
Please contact Sue Heidle, Gail Garner or Dwain Dixson if you have any questions.
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Taste of Deutschland - Feb22
Please mark your calendar for our Taste of Deutschland German dinner on Feb. 22. We ask for volunteers to donate German chocolate cakes. A sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board. Tickets are available NOW! Your help and support of this important community event is truly appreciated!
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10 Reasons to Take our CPR Class Jan. 25
Posted by on Tuesday, January 21, 2014,

Our Missions and Social Ministries is sponsoring a CPR and AED training session on Jan. 25 from 9 am to 1 pm. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. There is a $5 charge per person.
Ten Reasons to take CPR or First-Aid training |
1. After someone stops breathing, or the heart stops beating, he or she can survive for only 4 to 6 minutes before lack of oxygen results in brain damage or death. CPR can buy extra time for your loved one, until professional help can arrive, by artificially cir... |
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Help A Counter Out!
Posted by on Tuesday, January 21, 2014,
In :
Would you be surprised to lean that our money counters are here up to two hours after church to count the contributions each Sunday? After all, they want to make sure all of donations are accurately accounted for. We can help them cut down their volunteer time though!
It's easy. Simply write your contribution amount on the envelope and write you envelope number on the check. This saves time for our counters. Want to keep it confidential? Place your envelopes front side down in the collection....
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Communion Assistants Needed
Posted by on Tuesday, January 21, 2014,
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ASSISTANTS NEEDED... If you would be interested in assisting with communion distribution, please come to our next training session on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 9 am (whether you are new; or, as a refresher); or you may speak with Pastor Heidle for more information.
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Support Rev. Joshua and Amanda Gale
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Wednesday, January 8, 2014,
Pastor Joshua Gale is moving to
serve as a missionary pastor in Peru. Please support him during this endeavor
as part of our LCMS mission and you can be a part of God’s great mission in
Peru and beyond. Please click on the link below to see how you
can support Pastor Gale and his family. Please pray for Joshua and Amanda as
they serve the Lord in Peru. Ask God to give them and their children peace as
they transition to life in Peru, learning the culture and the Spanish language
so they may ...
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Gifford Relief Concert --> CANCELLED
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Sunday, January 5, 2014,
In :
Sorry, folks, the weather is just not cooperating with this event! The concert is cancelled for Jan. 31.
Grace Lutheran Church, located at
313 South Prospect in Champaign will be hosting a benefit concert featuring
Woody and Vonnie Wright, for Gifford tornado relief. The event, sponsored by
the East-Central Illinois Group of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, will start
at 7:00 pm on Friday, Jan. 31. There will be a free will offering and 100% of
the proceeds will go to the Gifford Tornado Rel... Continue reading ...
Church Bowling Party Jan. 24
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Sunday, January 5, 2014,
In :

The Stewardship Committee will host a
bowling night on Jan. 24 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Lincoln Lanes Bowling Alley
in Danville.
There will be no charge for shoe rental, so the only cost will be for the
games. If you have any questions, please contact Sue DeMoss. Join us for some
fun and fellowship!
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Thanks Bob!
Posted by on Tuesday, December 17, 2013,
The congregation would like to thank Bob Wakeley for his many years of service as the leader of the Men’s Club and as the coordinator of the Taste of Deutschland. As he retires from these roles, Bob has left detailed instructions for the steps that need to take place to make these community events happen. If anyone is interested in volunteering for this position, please contact the church office.
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A Thank Your for Your Drummer Boy Bazaar Generosity
Posted by on Tuesday, December 17, 2013,
Our Women's Guild would like to thank everyone who participated in the Drummer Boy Bazaar. All your hard work and generous shopping helped us raise a whopping $7,049.57. That money will be spent on a variety of outreach, mission and fellowship projects. Again, thank you! Continue reading ...
Communion Training - Dec 14
Posted by on Wednesday, December 4, 2013,
In :
ASSISTANTS NEEDED! If you would be
interested in assisting with communion distribution, please come to our next training session on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 9 to 10 am (whether you are new; or, as a refresher); or you may speak with Pastor for more information.
Check out other ways you can serve the Lord as part of the worship team.
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Children's Christmas Party - Sat Dec 14

Parish Education Commission will be hosting their annual Children’s Christmas Party will be on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 1 to 3 pm at Immanuel. All children from preschool to grade 6 are invited. There will be games, crafts, and Christmas activities to help children focus on getting ready for the Christ Child.
Fill out the registration form and place it in the box on the children’s church bag table in the Narthx or put it in Diana Pratt’s church mailbox. We look forward to a joyous aft... Continue reading ...
Church Decorating - Saturday at 9AM
Posted by on Wednesday, December 4, 2013,
Your help is needed and will be appreciated on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 9 am as we decorate the chapel, sanctuary, narthex, and church entrances for our Advent and Christmas celebrations! Also, if you are able to climb a ladder to hang the garland along the side aisles, we could use your help. Christmas music, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and holiday treats will be available. Come join us!
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Men’s Club Christmas Potluck - Dec 9
Posted by on Wednesday, November 27, 2013,
In :
The Men’s Club Christmas Potluck will be Dec. 9 at 6 pm. All men, wives, friends, and widows are invited to join us for an evening of fellowship and Christmas music. Meat and drinks will be provided. Please sign up on the bulletin board for food and attendance by Dec. 8.
Don't know what yummy to bring? Check out our
Pinterest board for Casseroles! Continue reading ...
A Prayer for Those Affected by Typhoon Haiyan
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Saturday, November 16, 2013,
In :

Father of mercy, God of all comfort, hear our prayers as we cry to You for all Your children who suffer after Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Remember those who have lost loved ones and give them the peace that You alone can give.
Remember those who are injured and hurting, those who are hungry and thirsty, those who wait for help and begin to despair; comfort them with Your presence, Your healing mercy.
Bless and speed the endeavors of all who would bring aid. Guide the government of the Ph...
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Typhoon Haiyan: Letter from Synod President
Posted by on Saturday, November 16, 2013,
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“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. … If one member suffers, all suffer together …” (I Cor:12:12,26 ESV).
Typhoon Haiyan, which ravaged the Philippines Nov. 8 killing thousands, is one of the strongest storms in recorded history. It is an unbelievable crisis for the people there. In response to a request from our partner church, the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP), the LCMS is prov... Continue reading ...
Church Photos & Food Bank Donations... Together?
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Saturday, November 16, 2013,
In :
Our new Immanuel Church Pictorial Directory Project is moving along quickly! Photographers will be in our gym Nov.19 through Nov. 23 to take pictures of each family. So plan now to take part—our directory simply will not be complete without you! Click to schedule your setting.
Also, if you can help with our new Immanuel Picture Directory, (layout, group shots, etc.) contact the church office; or Bruce Huff at 304-5296.
Feed the Need!
You can support our food pantry when you participate in our ... Continue reading ...
Construction Update
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Saturday, November 16, 2013,
Both heating units for the sanctuary are now operational (but are not yet programmed to their full ability as far as scheduling); the remaining units are scheduled to be complete by Wednesday, Nov. 27. The contractor is making great progress! For your safety, please heed the special notices for our construction project! Please do not come in the church hallway during the week! Thanks for your cooperation! Continue reading ...
Let's Fill Grocery Bags with Thanksgiving Donations
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Saturday, November 16, 2013,
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The DLS children have been busy decorating grocery bags for our Thanksgiving food offering Sunday, Nov. 24. Please bring food items to the church service to fill up these special offering bags. The bags will be placed at the end of each pew. Some suggestions for items we are in need of are:
- tuna and tuna helper
- hamburger helper
- macaroni and cheese
- peanut butter
- jelly
These food items are served to low-income families, low-income seniors, and homeless veterans. Thank you for all you do for ...
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Thanksgiving Potluck - Nov 24
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Sunday, November 10, 2013,
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Thanksgiving Potluck & Stuffing Contest
Sunday, Nov 24 at 5:30 pm
DLS School Gymnasium
Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family… with our church family, too. That’s why we’d like to bring back the Immanuel Thanksgiving Potluck on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. At 5:30 pm, show up at the gym with a side dish and/or dessert and be ready to gobble, gobble, gobble!
The turkey will be provided.
Speaking of turkey, we’re looking for some. Please consider donating a turkey or money to buy...
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Annual Thrivent Meeting - Nov 17
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Sunday, November 10, 2013,
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The Annual Thrivent Meeting is Sunday November 17 at 12:30 om in the gym at Immanuel. A lunch will be catered by Applewood Farms. The menu will include smoked chicken, swiss steak, cheesy potatoes, corn and green bean casserole. There is a sign up sheet on the Thrivent bulletin board in the hallway. As usual, there will be many prizes and fellow ship! Continue reading ...
It Was a Great Salute to All Veterans
Our school, Danville Lutheran School, gave a tremedous salute to Veterans at their special program to a packed house last Thursday. Thanks to the many Immanuel members who attended. We encourage all members to participate in the great events sponsored by our school. Contact the DLS office to learn more about school sports, music, programs and enrollment: 442-5036.
Our congregation also offers our gratitude and recognition to all our Veterans for their service. May God bless you richly. Continue reading ...
Newly Baptized
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Sunday, November 3, 2013,
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The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was granted last week to Kyan, son of Marcus and Brittni. Through Holy Baptism, Kyan became a child of God, as his sins were washed way in connection with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. May God graciously preserve the saving faith granted unto Kyan thorough this sacred act of God's grace and cause his faith to increase through the continued blessings of His Word and Sacraments.
Please join us in praying for Kyan, his parents, his godparents Martez an... Continue reading ...
Monical's Day - Monday, Nov 11
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Friday, November 1, 2013,
In :
Parish Education
Need a lunch out with the gang? Not in the mood to cook when you get home from work? Absolutely love putting french dressing on your pizza?
Then make plans for Monical's Pizza on Monday November 11. Not only will you be getting tasty pizza, but 20% of every dine in bill will help fund the Parish Education projects, such as bible class and Rally Day.
Download and bring this flyer with you to any Danville or Titon Monicla's so we can get credit for each dinner. ...
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Youth Ask for Household Donations for Lock-In
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Friday, November 1, 2013,
In :

Sometimes we take simple things for granted, like a plate to
eat on or a blanket to sleep with. It’s a lesson 13 of our Immanuel Lutheran Youth Group will learn
more about as they attend the Central Illinois District Jr. High Lock-In on
November 8-9 at the Shirk center of Illinois Wesleyan University in
As part of the lock-in, they will be part of ONE GIANT
COLLECTION to help underprivileged families. But they need your help. The Youth
Group is asking you to please do a little d...
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Bundle Up the Next Couple of Sundays
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Friday, October 25, 2013,
12:15 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Well,
for the next couple of weeks, we say, “Shiver with those who shiver!”
we update our HVAC system, we may be without heat for a couple of Sundays. It
may be nippy inside the church so be sure to dress in layers and maybe even
bring a blanket if you want to.
of focusing on our discomfort, let’s look at this as a blessing in disguise. It
is a chance for us to grow in empathy and in God’s ...
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Volunteers Needed for the BAZAAR
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Saturday, October 19, 2013,
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Our Little Drummer Bazaar is November 12. It is very busy and exciting day for Immanuel, but we need your help to pull it off. Here some jobs we need help with.
Staff... There is a wait staff (waiting on tables only) sign-up sheet on the
bulletin board. No experience necessary. The wait staff will be needed from
approximately 10:45 am to 1:30 pm on Nov. 12. If you have any questions, please
call Jo Van Hoveln at 431-1426 after 5pm.
Sweet Shoppe... Sue DeMoss will be
overseeing the Swee...
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Free Retirement & Estate Planning Workshop
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Saturday, October 19, 2013,
In :
Everyday Life
Sunday October 27, 2:00pm
at Immanuel Lutheran Church
Planning for retirement and passing on your legacy is one of the most important financial decisions
you can make – but it can also be one of the most daunting. With so
many options to consider, it's hard to know if you're making the best
choices. This free workshop from Thrivent Financial will help you get started.
Check out Thrivent's online estate and retirement tools.
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Youth Lock-In Nov 8-9
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Saturday, October 19, 2013,
In :
Our Central Illinois District Jr.High Lock-In will be Nov. 8–9 at the Shirk Center of Illinois Wesleyan University in
Bloomington. Cost is $25 and includes the band, comedian presenter Bob Lenz,
and sports activities and fun… all night
long! Please sign up by Sunday Oct 20. Registration forms due Monday.
Everyone can be part of this.
Our Junior High Youth attending the CID-Lock-In
will be part of ONE GIANT COLLECTION.Donate any of the
following: pots &
pans, silverware, plates, drinking gl... Continue reading ...
Seeking Drummer Boy Bazzar Donations
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Tuesday, October 8, 2013,
In :
Can you believe that it's almost time for the Drummer Boy Bazaar on November 12? We need to think ahead and collect plastic containers for people take their BBQ home. Help us out and bring to church:
- cottage cheese containers (16/24 oz.)
- Cool Whip containers (8/16 oz.)
- and gallon ice cream containers.
Also, if you would like to donate bags of ruffle potato chips (Aldis is fine) or jars of Miracle Whip, it would help cut expenses. If you can help with any of these, please bring them to the multip...
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When There's a Neeed, Therer's a Prayer
Posted by Danville Immanuel Lutheran on Thursday, July 18, 2013,
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